NOTE: Freedom from Ego Dramas contains some of Jesus' discourses on the ego that were previously available on the website and in Unmasking the Ego. The material has been substantially revised and contains several new ego dramas. The book contains over 50% new material.
This book reveals hidden facets of the human ego and how it creates personal and epic dramas The ascended master Jesus shows you how fallen beings who oppose God have used the human ego to create the illusion of an epic struggle. The epic struggle, once it has engaged you, quickly becomes a personal struggle that traps many spiritual seekers in fighting for what they think is a good or spiritual cause. In reality, the struggle is a complete illusion, or rather a drama, and it will never accomplish any spiritual purpose. It will keep you trapped in a downward spiral that feeds your spiritual light to forces that oppose God.
ISBN: 978-9949-518-34-0
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