Invoke the Flame of Peace to consume the consciousness behind war, invoke light to consume specific conflicts and call for the consuming of the consciousness that creates division and conflict.
For more information about this package, see the Transcendence Toolbox website HERE.
WINV03: Mother Mary's Miracle Peace Invocation
Invoke world peace and personal peace by restoring the proper balance between the expanding and contracting forces of the Father-Mother God.
WINV06: Miracle Invocation for Consuming Conflict
Invoke spiritual light to consume all violent conflicts, both new and old.
WINV12: Invocation for Invoking the Flame of Peace
Invoke the God Flame of Peace and direct it into spiritual conditions, thereby consuming all blocks to the manifestation of peace on a world-wide scale.
WINV13: Invocation for World Peace
Invokes the Flame of Peace and directs it into the specific, material conditions that threaten or work against world peace at this time.
WINV25: One World Invocation
Call for a new awareness that all life is connected and that all people are part of the Body of God on Earth. Thus, help counteract the many forces and illusions that generate conflict and misunderstanding.
Format: 5 downloadable mp3 files
Read by Kim Michaels